Rules and Codes of Conduct re. COVID19:


  At this time, new rules and codes of conduct are in place to help keep both you (the client) and me (the staff) safe and healthy. Please read the following information in preparation for what to expect. 


1.     NO VISITORS. This includes friends, family and spectators. Even if you live together, the more people who are in the studio means more contact and higher risk. With this in mind, the health board has put this restriction at this time. 

 2.     MASKS ARE MANDATORY. Clients and artists alike will be required to wear a mask for the FULL duration of the appointment. Please bring a mask that fits properly and is comfortable for you. If you do not have a mask, one can be provided, and a receptacle will be available to leave it in upon exit. 

If the mask is to be removed/pulled down/touched at all, you will be required to wash your hands and don the mask again BEFORE re-entering the tattoo area. This includes washroom breaks and food/drink breaks. 

The mask is otherwise NOT TO BE REMOVED until after you exit the studio (as stated above, there will be a receptacle for studio owned masks to placed in).

 3.     FOOD AND DRINK are not allowed in the tattoo area. If a break for either of these things is required, a designated area will be available. Hands must be washed before and after entering and exiting the tattoo area. 

 4.     HAND SANITIZER will be available, and its use encouraged. Below is a image showing proper use.

 5.     HAND WASHING is even more so encouraged. Below is an image showing proper technique.

Upon entering the studio, you will be asked to wash your hands in the sink provided and don a mask immediately. 

 6. Waivers for both COVID19 health and wellness as well as the regular studio waivers will be filled out and returned electronically at this time in order to reduce the amount of physical contact with various items and multiple people.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. 




Anastasia Powell



Proper hand washing technique.

Proper hand washing technique.


Proper hand sanitizer use.

Proper hand sanitizer use.

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